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Get valuable feedback

Maximize customer engagement

Stomio gives you the key to get your users more engaged and give you the best quality feedback possible. We’ve seen our customers increase customer engagement from 10% to 70%! Here are the reasons why this is going to be possible in your next project.

14-day free trial. No credit card required.
Instead of juggling multiple tools, each with its learning curve and interface, an all-in-one solution simplifies your workflow. Imagine accessing program creation, communication, tickets and feedback analysis in one place.

All-in-one platform

Instead of juggling multiple tools, each with its learning curve and interface, an all-in-one solution simplifies your workflow. Imagine accessing program creation, communication, tickets and feedback analysis in one place. It's not just about convenience; it's about focus. With everything in sync, you can channel your energy into what truly matters.

If you are interested in how Stomio works, please visit:
No One Needs Another Tool! Why Stomio? →
Stomio - Custom onboarding

Custom onboarding

Beginning the program with a personalized email and a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to sign, is paramount. It establishes a professional tone and ensures confidentiality, fostering trust between the testers and product team. This tailored approach showcases the significance of their involvement and clarifies expectations and promote a collaborative environment where testers feel valued and engaged.

If you are interested into improve your NDA’s visit our how to:
Simplify Your NDA Agreements →Track Tester Engagement →


By breaking down complex tasks into small, digestible steps, they eliminate confusion and empower users to navigate processes effortlessly. This bite-sized approach matches the modern user's preference for quick, actionable information, ensuring they stay focused and motivated. Users feel a sense of accomplishment with each completed microinstruction, boosting their confidence and encouraging further interaction.

Triggered email
Single Choice
Multiple choice
File upload
For knowing more about how to utilize microinstructions visit:
How Micro-instructions Help You Become a Better Researcher →
Stomio Conversational Ticketing System

Conversational Ticketing System

Accessibility is key; users encountering issues or having suggestions can effortlessly submit tickets without disrupting their experience going to another platform. This user-friendly approach encourages active participation. Moreover, real-time issue resolution interacting directly with product team make individuals feel heard, supported and valuable.

Check how-to make tickets public:
How to utilize public tickets to keep your testers engaged →
n-app notifications grab immediate attention, ensuring crucial updates are noticed promptly within the user's natural interaction environment.


Utilizing in-app announcements over traditional emails is a game-changer for beta program engagement. In-app notifications grab immediate attention, ensuring crucial updates are noticed promptly within the user's natural interaction environment. This approach is unintrusive, eliminating the need to sift through crowded email inboxes. The information is more likely to be read and absorbed, enhancing user awareness and participation.

For knowing more about how to communicate effectively visit:
Communicate with Your Testers Effectively Using Stomio →

In-app widget

In-app widgets elevate user engagement during feedback collection. Embebed the application interface, these widgets offer a frictionless experience, allowing users to express their thoughts without leaving the app environment. This immediate, hassle-free interaction encourages more users to participate, resulting in a higher volume of valuable feedback ensuring a robust and diverse range of insights.

If you want to expand the information about widget visit:
In-app widget or Hosted in Stomio →Use Stomio embedded widget for a frictionless customer experience →
In-app widgets elevate user engagement during feedback collection. Embebed the application interface, these widgets offer a frictionless experience, allowing users to express their thoughts without leaving the app environment.

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