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AI powered

Build a project fast

Building projects quickly is vital for product teams because it accelerates feedback loops. Rapid deployment allows early user testing, enabling quick identification of flaws and user preferences. This timely insight informs decision-making, ensuring the final product aligns with market expectations.

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Stomio AI Assistant for Tasks Creation

Experience the future of user research with our AI-powered task creation assistance. You will only need to enter a description of your product and a list of objectives you want to achieve with your beta program.Then, Stomio AI will generate a series of tasks and steps that will cover the objectives you have set taking into account the product to be tested. Do final modifications to your needs and launch your project! Life is easier when you don't start building from scratch.

Stomio - AI help for tasks creation
If you are interested into improve your projects visit our how to:
How-to write good inputs creating betas with AI →

Library of tasks templates

Explore our extensive library of task templates designed for different project types. From general research to product launch, find ready-to-use templates that fit your specific needs. Save time and effort by selecting templates tailored for your industry, ensuring you never start from scratch. You can also create your own templates for future projects. If a sort of steps worked well for you simply add them to your templates and will be always available for next projects.

Stomio Library of tasks templates

Build from scratch with a simple tool

For those who prefer customization, our intuitive and user-friendly tool empowers you to build projects from scratch effortlessly. Seamlessly create, modify, and duplicate tasks with a tool designed for simplicity and flexibility.

Explore our extensive library of task templates designed for different project types. From general research to product launch, find ready-to-use templates that fit your specific needs.
To know more about to use micro-instructions to get more and better feedback, visit:
How Micro-instructions Help You Become a Better Researcher →

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