Tracking your tester engagement is a critical part of what we offer at Stomio. Gone are the days of you wondering if a tester is actually testing your product. With Tester Engagement, you will know for sure where each tester is on their journey. And you can take actions based on each stage.
You can customize some elements of your tester journey in Stomio. This includes the email invitation sent from Stomio when you add a tester to your beta. As well as adding an NDA for them to accept.
As a Manager, navigate to your beta → onboarding. You will see the invitation Email section where you can customize the Subject and body of the default email sent from Stomio to your testers.
Customize the message to your needs by utilizing the rich text bar. Make sure to utilize the variables available for you for more flexibility.
Tester Funnel
With Tester Funnel, you’ll know exactly where your testers are in their journey. Navigate to your Project → Results → Testers. You will see your tester analysis for that beta.
At the top of the screen, you will see your Tester Funnel chart. It gives you a quick visual on how many testers got invited, accepted their invitation, finished one task, finished half of the tasks, finished all tasks, and declined their invitation.
Clicking on “See in depth” takes you to a new screen where you can see the individuals in each stage and can have some actions based on where they are in the funnel (e.g. starting a chat with testers who finished all their tasks to say Thank You)
Next in the tester analysis is the Top performers table. This is a quick list of the top testers who finished all of their tasks ordered by the time spent finishing those tasks. You can easily start a chat with each of them to say Thank You or reward them in other ways (swag is always a great idea!)
Finally, you will see a table with the testers who opened most tickets and the number of tickets they opened. This is typically a good indicator of tester engagement so always a good idea to reward testers who reported most bugs or shared most ideas on how to improve your product.
Tester Activity
You can dig deeper into your tester activity to see how your beta is progressing. Navigate to your Project → Results → General Insights → Tester Activity → See activity log. You will see the activity log screen where you can track various activities at various time intervals.
You can filter this view by activity (All activity, Task completed, New testers, Opened tickets) and/or by time frame (Last 24 hours, Last 48 hours, Last week, Last 2 weeks, Since launch)
Next, you will see the main metrics tracked for tester activity: Task completed, Opened tickets, and New testers. You will see an indicator next to the number in green or red for the change in that metric within the time frame selected.
Next is a histogram to track new testers and tasks completed by time so you can track at a high-level your tester activity by date.
Finally, you will see a full activity log for each tester. You can quickly jump to the feedback of each tester from the table for ease of access
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